
May 8, 2023

Blockchain and Tokenization

Blockchain and Tokenization

In this article, we'll explore the transformative process of turning real-world assets into digital tokens on a blockchain platform 🌐, enabling fractional ownership, seamless trading, and broader accessibility. So, get ready to discover the amazing benefits and challenges of tokenization, as well as the intricate processes and token standards that power this innovation 🚀.


In summary, tokenization is the process of converting real-world assets into digital tokens on a blockchain platform, allowing for fractional ownership, simplified trading, and increased accessibility. The benefits of tokenization include increased liquidity, lower transaction costs, fractional ownership, and transparency, while challenges include regulatory compliance, security risks, scalability, and token value volatility. The tokenization process consists of asset selection and evaluation, legal and regulatory compliance, token design and development, token issuance, secondary market creation, and ongoing asset management and compliance. Token standards ensure compatibility, interoperability, and seamless integration of digital tokens within the blockchain ecosystem, with both fungible and non-fungible tokens having their unique use cases.

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Table of Contents:

What is tokenization?

Tokenization is the process by which real-world assets are digitally represented on a blockchain platform through the issuance of digital tokens. These tokens encapsulate the rights and value of the underlying asset, enabling fractional ownership, simplified trading, and increased accessibility. By leveraging blockchain technology, tokenization has the potential to transform various industries, offering enhanced liquidity, transparency, and efficiency.

benefits and challenges of tokenization

Tokenization offers several notable benefits, including increased liquidity, lower transaction costs, fractional ownership, and transparency. By converting assets into digital tokens, tokenization enables easier trading on decentralized or centralized exchanges, making assets more accessible to a wider range of investors. This process also reduces transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries and leveraging the efficiency of blockchain technology. Furthermore, tokenization allows for the division of assets into smaller units, enabling fractional ownership and diversification. Finally, the transparent and secure environment of blockchain technology ensures easily verifiable ownership and provenance of assets, enhancing trust between market participants.

Despite its advantages, tokenization also presents certain challenges. These include regulatory compliance, security risks, scalability, and token value volatility. Navigating the complex landscape of international regulations, such as securities laws, anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, can be time-consuming and costly. Additionally, while blockchain technology is generally considered secure, it is not immune to cyberattacks, vulnerabilities, and human errors. Token issuers must ensure that their platforms are secure and resistant to hacks. Scalability is another challenge, as tokenization projects must ensure that blockchain networks can handle increasing transaction volumes without compromising performance, security, or efficiency. Lastly, the value of digital tokens can be highly volatile, influenced by market sentiment, speculation, and external factors, which can impact investors' returns and ability to liquidate their positions.

process of tokenization

The tokenization process consists of a series of steps, involving both technical (engineering) and business aspects, which are described as below.

step 1. asset selection and evaluation (business):
The initial step in the tokenization process involves selecting a suitable real-world asset, such as real estate, art, or commodities. The asset's value and ownership rights must be meticulously assessed and verified to ensure accurate representation in the digital realm.

step 2. legal and regulatory compliance (business):
Before tokenizing an asset, it is crucial to ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. This may involve consultations with legal experts, obtaining necessary permissions, and adhering to jurisdiction-specific requirements.

step 3. token design and development (technical):
The next step is to design and develop the digital token, which entails defining its attributes, such as token type (e.g., utility or security), supply, divisibility, and transferability. This process typically involves smart contract development – self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into the code – on a chosen blockchain platform.

step 4. token issuance (technical & business):
Upon completion of the token design, the tokens are minted and issued to the asset owner or an initial set of investors. This issuance can be done through various methods, such as private placements, public sales, or initial coin offerings (ICOs), and involves both technical execution and business decision-making.

step 5. secondary market creation (technical & business):
After token issuance, a secondary market can be established to enable the trading of tokens among investors. This market can be facilitated through digital asset exchanges, decentralized platforms, or peer-to-peer networks, providing liquidity and price discovery for the tokenized asset. Establishing a secondary market involves both technical infrastructure setup and business strategy development.

step 6. ongoing asset management and compliance (business):
Tokenized assets require ongoing management to ensure their accurate representation and continued regulatory compliance. This may involve periodic audits, updates to the asset's valuation, and monitoring the asset's performance.

Note that token issuance and marketization are distinct processes. Token issuance pertains to the creation and initial distribution of digital tokens representing the asset, while marketization refers to the establishment of a secondary market for trading these tokens, allowing for increased liquidity and price discovery. Both processes are integral to the tokenization ecosystem and contribute to unlocking the full potential of tokenized assets.

Token standards

Token standards play a vital role in the tokenization process, primarily influencing the step 3 - token design and development - of tokenization process explained above. By establishing a set of predefined rules and specifications, token standards ensure compatibility, interoperability, and seamless integration of digital tokens within the blockchain ecosystem.

Token standards encompass vital information that shapes the token design and development process by defining functional specifications, metadata, access control mechanisms, event logging guidelines, and extensibility options. Adhering to these standards allows for the creation of compatible, secure, and user-friendly tokens that can be integrated seamlessly into the blockchain ecosystem. By providing a uniform framework for digital tokens, token standards facilitate the development of tokens that interact consistently with other blockchain components, such as wallets and decentralized applications (dApps). Additionally, they promote widespread adoption, and ensure robust security and transparency features.

non-fungible and fungible tokens

Fungible tokens are interchangeable and have a uniform value, meaning each token is indistinguishable from another of the same type. They can be divided into smaller units, and their value remains constant across the units. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), on the other hand, represent unique assets and are not interchangeable. Each NFT has distinct characteristics, and its value may differ from others, even within the same collection.

Most utility, security, payment, and stablecoins are fungible tokens, as their primary purpose is to serve as a medium of exchange or represent uniform ownership shares in an asset. However, it is possible for each of the token types (utility, security, payment, and stablecoin) to have non-fungible variants.

token standards by blockchain

Token standards are specifications that dictate how tokens should function within a particular blockchain ecosystem. The following table shows the list of token standards by blockchain, whether the standard is for fungible tokens or non-fungible tokens, and the reference URL.

Token standard


Fungible / Non-fungible












BNB Beacon Chain



Binance Smart Chain (BSC)


Native Token

































Hope you got some ideas of what tokenization on the blockchain is and how to tokenize tokens🌟

Follow EMURGO Africa for more information

EMURGO Africa invests and supports local Web3 projects in the region to adopt Cardano’s decentralized blockchain technology to build socially impactful solutions.

As a regional entity of EMURGO, the official commercial arm of Cardano, EMURGO Africa also runs a local Cardano accelerator in Africa, Adaverse, which accepts applications year-round.

For more up-to-date information on EMURGO Africa, follow the official channels listed below.

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