Insights from the Heart of Web 3.0 in Africa


A Perfect Storm for Africa’s Blockchain Revolution
A Perfect Storm for Africa’s Blockchain Revolution

July 17, 2024

Africa, Blockchain, Newsletter

A Perfect Storm for Africa’s Blockchain Revolution

Africa, the world's youngest and fastest-growing continent, is experiencing a surge in blockchain adoption. This burgeoning ecosystem, driven by a confluence of factors, holds immense potential to revolutionize financial inclusion, identity management, and even environmental solutions. Africa's embrace of blockchain stems from several key challenges and opportunities. A large portion of the population remains unbanked, lacking access to traditional financial services. Blockchain, with its decentralized nature and low barriers to entry, offers an alternative financial system. Mobile money penetration is already high across Africa, creating a familiar digital infrastructure for integrating crypto and blockchain-based solutions.

25 Influential Women to Shape Africa’s Web3
25 Influential Women to Shape Africa’s Web3

July 3, 2024

Africa, Blockchain, Newsletter

25 Influential Women to Shape Africa’s Web3

Africa, the continent with the world's youngest and fastest growing population, is brimming with potential. This dynamism extends to the burgeoning world of blockchain technology, where a new generation of women are emerging as leaders and innovators. While the global tech industry has a well-documented male domination, Africa is witnessing a surge of women actively shaping the future of blockchain. From entrepreneurs building groundbreaking startups to educators fostering financial literacy through crypto, these women are shattering stereotypes and carving their own paths in this field. From Lagos to Nairobi, Cape Town to Accra, and Dar es Salaam to Dakar, women are taking charge, leveraging blockchain to drive change, foster economic growth, and promote social inclusion.

Top 10 Universities in Africa to Study Blockchain
Top 10 Universities in Africa to Study Blockchain

June 24, 2024

Africa, Blockchain, Newsletter

Top 10 Universities in Africa to Study Blockchain

Blockchain education in African universities is gradually developing, with several institutions leading the charge in incorporating this technology into their curriculum. Despite initial slow adoption, there is now a growing interest and implementation of blockchain courses and research initiatives across the continent.

Cape Town’s Millionaires Grow, Energizing Web3 Startups
Cape Town’s Millionaires Grow,  Energizing Web3 Startups

June 7, 2024

Africa, Blockchain, Newsletter

Cape Town’s Millionaires Grow, Energizing Web3 Startups

Cape Town, the southern tip of Africa, is experiencing a surge in Web3 startups, fueled by a growing pool of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) interested in Web3. South Africa, now [Africa’s biggest economy](,the%20first%20half%20of%202023.), maintains a friendly regulatory approach towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based technologies, which is providing a fertile ground for startup-led innovation.

STARTUP FOCUS: Africa to Be Big Carbon Credit Exporter - the Case of Changeblock
STARTUP FOCUS: Africa to Be Big Carbon Credit Exporter - the Case of Changeblock

March 11, 2024

Africa, Newsletter

STARTUP FOCUS: Africa to Be Big Carbon Credit Exporter - the Case of Changeblock

By Ahmed Amer  CEO, EMURGO Labs Africa bears the brunt of climate change's devastating impacts despite contributing only 4% to the crisis, according to the Global Carbon Budget. However, the continent is not a passive victim of climate change. It is actively taking steps to adapt and mitigate its impacts by developing renewable energy sources, building resilience and participating in the global carbon credit export market.  The continent is witnessing a surge in climate-tech startups that tack

Morocco’s Crypto Thrives Amid Regulation Uncertainty
Morocco’s Crypto Thrives Amid Regulation Uncertainty

February 19, 2024

Africa, Newsletter

Morocco’s Crypto Thrives Amid Regulation Uncertainty

By Shogo Ishida, Yosuke Yoshida Co-CEOs, EMURGO Africa The Web3 business in Morocco is in a state of flux. While the public interest in crypto is surging in Africa’s fifth biggest economy, the official stance remains ambiguous, presenting both obstacles and potential opportunities. A proposed draft law offers a glimmer of hope for future development, but its details and implementation timeline will be crucial factors. Key Takeaways 1. Morocco has made attempts to officially introduce l